Sir Fraser Stoddart, USA, on the importance of internationality in science as well as formative moments in his life

Supporting a Bigger Us

Fairness and Equality in Research
Nicola Gaston, the author of Why Science Is Sexist, talks about why getting equity right from first-principles is so important

If You Pollute, You Have to Pay
Eva Karlsson, CEO Houdini Sportswear, about what a small company can achieve with creativity and the right partners

75th Birthday: Ekkehard Diemann
German inorganic chemist celebrates 75th birthday

The Air that I Breathe – Part 1
Chemistry of indoor air is a relatively new, diverse and interdisciplinary field surrounding us every day

The Plus of Networking Between Scientists
Marisa Spiniello, Editor of ChemPlusChem, about the challenge to publish truly multidisciplinary papers

Quantum Physics, Philosophy, and Understanding Our World
What does quantum physics mean for our understanding of the world? For the general public, the scientist, the philosopher

ChemMedChem 10th Anniversary Contest (2) closed
Can you guess the drug from its structure? Send us your answer and win a book!

ChemMedChem 10th Anniversary Contest (1) closed
Can you guess the drug from its structure? Send us your answer and win a book!

What is Schrödinger’s Cat?
Famous thought experiment illustrates concepts of quantum mechanics