Preventing blood supply to tumors could prevent cancer, or turn existing cancer into a chronic disease

Prevention Better Than Cure

Researchers Locations
Which countries have the biggest share of researchers?

Birth of
'Birth' of

A special issue edited by D. Haltrich, Austria, and M. Rabinovich, Russia, focuses on expanding the boundaries of biocatalytic applications

Chemistry – The Creative Force
Chemistry conferences like the Football Champions League? The organizers of the 3rd EuCheMS Congress think so

Oil-Eating Bacteria in Gulf of Mexico
Hydrocarbon-digesting microorganisms colonizing underwater plumes - help or new risks for the Gulf of Mexico's ecosystem

Yeast Versus Fungus
New yeast variant shown to outcompete scab disease-causing fungus and can be used in conjunction with fungicides

Do Biocides Affect Microbial Fuel Cells?
Biofilm-based microbial fuel cells' responses to biocides tested with antibiotics, heavy metals and disinfectants

Fast-track Legal DNA Testing
Forensic DNA testing against a database could become as simple as matching fingerprints, making bail decisions more straightforward

Copper Gate
Motion and gate-like mechanism of copper transport across cell membranes by hCTR1 could improve cancer treatment