Martin Brudermüller presented the company’s ambitious strategies and R&D projects to reduce CO2 in future production processes

BASF – Working Intensely on Eco-Efficiency

Chemical Engineering Never Gets Boring
M. Kraume, TU Berlin, on trends in chemical engineering, his motivation, and the (German) chemical engineering community

10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE10)
Largest science and business congress on chemical engineering and applied biotechnology was held in Barcelona, Spain

Best of 2016
Content you liked best in 2016

Chemistry Databases
A collection of useful subject-specific information resources for chemists and other scientists

Behind the Science: Microreactor for Scent and Drug Production
Microreactor allows high-yield synthesis of ionones, or "rose ketones"

Faking It: The Science of Artificial Snow
Considering the rising temperatures and the costs of snowmaking, does it have a future?

Best of 2015
Content you liked best in 2015

Behind the Science: New Production Concepts in the Chemical Industry
Dr. Barbara Boeck, Editor-in-Chief of Chemie Ingenieur Technik, talks to Dr. Stefan Lier, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Coffee Fascinates Chemists
Exciting chemistry makes coffee so fascinating