Recognition of a scientific work resulting from research carried out not with a view to a specific application, but out of sheer curiosity
Call for Nominations: Prize for Ludic Sciences 2024
Chemistry & Teeth
The way our teeth are made, dental care, cavities, fillings and dentures all have something to do with chemistry—a compilation of articles and quizzes on chemistry related to teeth
Wine vs. Beer Question
Preparing beer is more complicated than wine: Why go to all that trouble?
Chemistry & Beer
Beer owes its wonderful taste to a great deal of chemistry—a compilation of articles, videos, quizzes on chemistry related to beer
Most Accessed Articles: December 2023
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
How Long Can Champagne Be Stored?
The size of the bottle is important for the gradual release of CO2 in champagne as it ages
Substituting Green Coffee Beans with Cultured Coffee Cells
Taste analysis of coffee made from roasted, lab-grown coffee cells
Most Accessed Articles: November 2023
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals
Invisible Ink – Chemistry with Young Children
The brief video shows and explains the chemistry behind the browning of lemon juice upon heating, thereby revealing a secret message
Chemistry with Young Children
A growing list of ideas to get young children excited about chemistry