Can you guess the famous chemist from the description?
Guess the Chemist (1)
Places of Discovery of the Elements
All 92 naturally occurring elements were identified in Europe while the artificial elements were mostly discovered in the USA
150 Years Department of Chemistry, University of Tokyo
For 150 years the Department has been maintaining its tradition as one of Japan's leading research institutes in the field of chemistry
Society Publishing – ChemPubSoc Europe’s History
ChemPubSoc Europe, organization of European chemical societies, publishes ChemistryViews and a number of high-quality journals
Commemorating Hermann Staudinger
It is 130 years since the birth of Hermann Staudinger, the father of polymer chemistry
Chemistry Rockstars of 1700 – 2011
Suggest a contemporary chemist to continue the Tom Tritton's list and win a book
Birth of
'Birth' of
The Future Builds on the Past
New online platform, brought to you by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH!
History of the Discovery of the Elements
The chronology of the discovery of the elements is a textbook example of scientific development