New online platform, brought to you by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH!
The Future Builds on the Past
Grassland Greenhouse Gases
Grazinglands represent one of the largest land resources in the world but their role as net sinks or sources of greenhouse gases is essentially unknown – until now.
Nobel Laureate Presentations Available On-Demand
The Frontiers of Chemistry meeting was webcast live around the world through a virtual environment.
Detecting Trace Hydrocarbons in Water
A newly-developed device detects low concentrations in water sources suspected of contamination.
Green Liquid Crystals on Display
Merck KGaA presents green materials for displays, lighting and photovoltaics at SID Display Week in Seattle.
Controllable H2 from H2O
Chemical energy generates hydrogen and electricity: a new process to be used in fuel cells for mobile applications.
Building a Sustainable World
Paul Anastas discusses why green chemistry is so fundemental to sustainability, and a worthy intellectual exercise.
Coordination Down Under
Meet the Editor of EurJIC at the 39th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 39).
Wood in the Tank
Valeric fuels: a new generation of biogasoline and biodiesel from lignocellulose
3rd EuCheMS Congress
Chemistry – A Creative Force. European chemical societies invite chemists from all backgrounds to a multidisipinary conference.