Angewandte Chemie 8/2015: High Impact

Angewandte Chemie 8/2015: High Impact

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, S. Seeger et al. review the separation of oil and water with superantiwetting/superwetting surfaces. What is the recent progress, which problems remain, and what future challenges are there in this field? In the Obituary of the great physical organic chemist Paul von Ragué Schleyer, G. A. Olah and G. K. S. Prakash recount Schleyer’s life and achievements.

In the Communications section, J. Y. Park et al. describe the impact of particle size on the reaction-induced hot electron flows on platinum colloid nanoparticles under hydrogen oxidation (see picture). J. Zhang et al. identified the crystalline orientation of black phosphorus by means of Raman spectroscopy. K. Ishizuka et al. succeeded in the catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation of pyrimidines, and S. Ebbinghaus et al. studied excluded-volume effects in living cells.


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