Most Accessed Articles: December 2024
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

How Does a Fire Extinguisher Work?
This short video explains the chemistry behind fire extinguishers, including why CO2 puts out flames, and why water is a bad idea for extinguishing oil fires

The Content You Liked Best in 2024
Take a look at ChemistryViews' most viewed content published during 2024

Happy New Year 2025!
The team of ChemistryViews.org wishes you a peaceful, healthy, and successful New Year 2025

Most Accessed Articles: November 2024
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

3️⃣Which Early Chemistry Pioneer Lived in this House in Gießen, Germany?
Check out the answer to today's entry in the Chemistry Advent Calendar: Guess the Houses and Molecules—discover where famous chemists lived 🏠

Bringing Rare Earth Element Research from the Lab to Children’s TV
Lena Daumann and Sophie Gutenthaler-Tietze share their research and experiences filming for a popular German children's program and other outreach activities

ChemEscape: Solve Tricky Puzzles Through Experiments
The German Young Chemists Network (JCF)'s free chemistry escape game encourages high school students to explore chemistry through hands-on problem solving

Making Science Fun Also for the General Public
David A. Leigh, UK, about his research, the link between magic and science, chemistry communication in an age of misinformation, his personal journey, inspiring teachers, and his desire to learn more languages

Most Accessed Articles: October 2024
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Bubbling Halloween Pumpkin
A perfect kitchen experiment for young kids and fun for all ages!

New Tool for Chemistry Learning for Blind and Low-Vision Students
Blind and low-vision chemistry students can now independently complete online coursework, thanks to Wiley and Alchemie's innovative tools

Most Accessed Articles: September 2024
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

CWTS Leiden University Ranking 2024
Scientific performance of over 1,500 universities assessed based on bibliometric indicators

World University Rankings 2025
University of Oxford keeps first position in Times Higher Education university ranking for the ninth year in a row

Crime Scene Chemistry
A growing collection of articles highlights how chemistry is increasingly essential in crime scene investigations (CSI) and solving crimes

Most Accessed Articles: August 2024
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Connecting Minds and Stimulating Ideas for Future Progress
The huge National Conference of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) in Milan covered a wide range of topics from chemistry, but also from ethics to music, film, and visual arts – some highlights

Collaborations in History
A chemistry picture quiz about cooperation partners