Zinc on a Cotton Cloth for High‐Performance Zn‐Ion Batteries
Facile method to fabricate flexible Zn anode via electroplating developed

Copper(I) Iodine Cluster Shows Unique Photoluminescence Properties
Material acts as a promising X-ray scintillator and was used for high-resolution imaging

Angewandte Chemie 6/2025: High Throughput
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

The Periodic Table
A growing collection of articles on the Periodic Table

Creating Hydrogen Peroxide out of Thin Air
ZnO-based catalytic system is capable of generating H2O2 from water and atmospheric oxygen

Angewandte Chemie 5/2025: Sustainable Upgrades
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Joseph Priestley And the Discovery of Oxygen in 1774
Priestley's great discoveries, including oxygen and other gases, electricity, and soda water, as well as his holding on to old chemical beliefs

New Class of Carbon-Centered Diradicals Discovered
Monosubstituted carbon atom stabilized by a phosphine shows a triplet ground state

CO2 Electroreduction to Ethylene Boosted by Crown Ethers
Modification enhances the ethylene selectivity of copper-based metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)

Heavier Analogs of Dioxiranes and Trioxetanes
Aluminadichalcogeniranes and aluminatrichalcogenetanes synthesized

Heavier Analogs of 1,2-Dihydrotetrazole
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the first diazadistiboylidenes

Most Accessed Articles: December 2024
Highlights from Chemistry Europe, ACES, and GDCh journals

Neutral Boron Atom Stabilized by Only Neutral Ligands
Monoatomic boron(0) complex isolated at room temperature

Th=C Double Bond Inside a Fullerene
Unusual carbon-bridged actinide-transition metal cluster synthesized

The Smallest 3D Neutral Boron Cluster
B9 cluster characterized using photoionization efficiency (PIE) spectroscopy

Angewandte Chemie 2/2025: Better Together
Overview of the latest issue of Angewandte Chemie

Where Do Traces of Arsenic in Rain Come From?
Researchers investigate arsenic traces in particulate matter, clouds, and rainwater at the Pic du Midi in the Pyrenees

From Inspiration to Discovery: Small Ligand Alloying for Multifunctional Magnetic Materials
How alloying different ligands within a unique FeII-WIV framework leads to tunable magnetic and optical properties

How Does a Fire Extinguisher Work?
This short video explains the chemistry behind fire extinguishers, including why CO2 puts out flames, and why water is a bad idea for extinguishing oil fires