Summer Reading 2024
What to read this summer: Editors recommend fun science-related books
Drugs from a Chemical Perspective
A growing collection of articles looking at substances like nicotine, LSD, and marijuana from a chemical perspective, exploring how they are used and why, etc.
Space—ChemistryViews Discoveries (06/2024)
Highlights from the chemistry community, with a special focus on Europe—This month: How does a candle burn in zero gravity? - What bacteria are on the ISS? - etc.
Tools for Chemists and other Scientists
A collection of useful resources for chemists and other scientists that help with text editing, citations, image generation
ChemistryViews Discoveries (05/2024)
Highlights from the chemistry community, with a special focus on Europe
Cooking & Chemistry
This growing collection explores the intersection of chemistry and cooking
Heavy Elements
A collection of articles related to heavy or synthetic elements
Chemistry & Teeth
The way our teeth are made, dental care, cavities, fillings and dentures all have something to do with chemistry—a compilation of articles and quizzes on chemistry related to teeth
Chemistry & Beer
Beer owes its wonderful taste to a great deal of chemistry—a compilation of articles, videos, quizzes on chemistry related to beer
Exploring the Chemistry of Candles
🕯️🧪 A compilation of articles and videos on chemistry related to the candle and candle flame
Chemistry with Young Children
A growing list of ideas to get young children excited about chemistry
Opinions and Tips on AI & Chemistry—Chemistry Advent Calendar
What do scientists working in the filed of AI think?—We will unlock new mini interviews until December 24
Chemical Knowledge for Halloween
Pumpkins, sweets, spiders, champagne, ... there is chemistry involved everywhere
Fascinating Insights into AI and Chemistry
An expanding compilation of articles concerning the intersection of artificial intelligence and chemistry
Science for the Summer 2023
Fun science-related books, podcasts, and videos recommended by editors
Summer-Inspired Chemistry
We invite you to embark on a journey through the captivating world of chemistry inspired by the season
Using Eggs to Explore the World of Chemistry
🐣🌷🐰 A growing collection of articles and videos on eggs and science
A Ph.D. Abroad — Pros & Cons
A compilation of articles on experience from stays abroad during doctoral studies
Significant Milestones in Chemistry: A Timeline of Influential Chemists
Starting from the early alchemists we take a journey through time to examine how each of these chemists pushed the boundaries of what is possible