ECHA Increases Transparency

ECHA Increases Transparency

Author: ChemViews

To improve the transparency of its decision making process, ECHA will publish non-confidential versions of all dossier evaluation decisions originating from compliance checks and examination of testing proposals on their website.
ECHA also starts to publish comments received during the public consultation on proposals for Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH) instantly. Interested parties are able to read and respond to comments submitted within the 45-day public consultation. This will make the consultation process more transparent and efficient.

Comments received during the public consultations for carvone and its individual stereoisomers, dimethenamid-P, lead, and metaldehyde which ended on the 7 December 2012 are available on ECHA’s website. This is the first time that the comments have been published before the adoption of the Risk Assessment Committee’s opinion. Previously, these were available 18 months after the public consultation started.

Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH)
The classification and labelling of certain hazardous chemicals must be harmonised to ensure adequate risk management throughout the European Union. Member States, manufacturers, importers and downstream users may propose a harmonised classification and labelling of a substance.

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