3Bs Materials International Conference 2024

The event covers biomaterials, biodegradable materials, and biomimetic materials.

Selected Topics

  • Structure and properties of biomaterials
  • Biological response to biomaterials
  • Bioinspiration and biomimetics
  • Biodegradable/bio-based materials
  • Applications

Selected Speakers

  • Filomena Freitas, NOVA Lisbon, Portugal
  • Federico Carpi, University of Florence, Italy
  • Hidero Unuma,Yamagata University, Japan
  • Hom Dhakal, University of Portsmouth, UK
  • Huang Wei Min, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Wenxin Wang, University College Dublin, Ireland
  • Lola Gonzalez-Garcia, INM–Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany
  • De-Yi Wang, IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain
  • John Botsis, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Suong Van Hoa, Concordia University, Canada
  • Pierpaolo Carlone, University of Salerno, Italy
Event Details

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