50th World Polymer Congress (IUPAC MACRO 2024)

The conference will showcase the latest research on polymers as well as innovative sustainable practices aimed to minimize environmental impact. The event aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the current trends in polymers and the actions being taken for a more sustainable future in the field of polymers.


  • Recent Developments in Polymer Synthesis and Kinetics
  • Polymer Characterization
  • Polymers for Biomedical Engineering
  • Polymers for Nanotechnology
  • Smart and Functional Polymers
  • Polymers from Renewable Resources and Biodegradable Polymers for a Sustainable Future
  • Polymer Processing
  • Modeling and Simulation of Polymers
  • Polymers for Energy and Environmental Applications
  • Polymer Physics and Theory
  • Polymer Education
Event Details

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