Sales & Marketing Effectiveness in Chemicals Summit

The event is designed to empower sales and marketing professionals in the dynamic chemical sector.


  • Accelerating Growth in the Chemicals Industry in a Post-COVID World
  • Delivering a Holistic Customer Experience in the Hybrid Era
  • Maximizing the Commercial Opportunity by Differentiating your Brand and Increasing the Product Awareness
  • Surpassing your Insight-driven KPIs to Propel your Marketing and Commercial Strategy
  • Refining the Customer Segmentation Strategy to Hone Targeted Marketing Messages
  • Addressing Effective Pricing Strategies in a Highly Inflationary Environment
  • Driving Commercial Acceleration with Disruptive Strategies and Execution
  • Driving Profitable Growth while Navigating Complexity and Disruption
  • Aligning Traditional B2B Sales with E-Commerce
  • Maximizing Virtual Collaboration Tools and Technology
  • Streamlining Interconnected Workflows to Accelerate Commercial Performance
  • Automating and Digitizing Go-to-Market Approaches
Event Details

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