Angewandte Chemie 47/2022: Circularly Polarized

Angewandte Chemie 47/2022: Circularly Polarized

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, M. Klein and S. R. Waldvogel review counter electrode reactions in electro-organic synthesis, P. Van Der Voort et al. discuss covalent organic frameworks as heterogeneous photocatalysts for organic transformations, and X. Qu et al. summarize work on biomolecule-based circularly polarized luminescent materials. The Minireview deals with continuous-flow olefin metathesis (M. Mauduit et al.). T. Patra and T. Wirth highlight findings on oxidative cleavage of alkenes by photosensitized nitroarenes.

In the original research section, D. Zhao et al. describe the efficient splitting of alkane isomers by a bismuth-based metal–organic framework with auxetic reentrant pore structures (see picture). Y. Cai and T. Ritter succeeded in a Meerwein-type bromoarylation with arylthianthrenium salts. X. Ji et al. present a reversible copper electrode for nonaqueous dual-ion batteries. G.-J. Boons et al. developed a chemoenzymatic synthesis of heparan sulfate oligosaccharides that have a domain structure.


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