Professor at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA, who developed redox-active materials passed away
Tributes and remembrances honoring the lives and contributions of esteemed scientists.

Susan Odom (1980 – 2021)

Siegfried Hünig (1921 – 2021)
German chemist best known for Hünig's base, or N,N-diisopropylethylamine, passed away

Magda Ariel (1924 – 2021)
Pioneering researcher in instrumental analytical chemistry and electrochemistry passed away

Paul J. Crutzen (1933 – 2021)
Chemistry Nobel Laureate who is best known for his work on ozone depletion has passed away

Klaus Hafner (1927 – 2021)
Eminent organic chemist, formerly at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, passed away

Victor Snieckus (1937 – 2020)
Organic chemist, known for the directed ortho metalation reaction (DoM) among other things, passed away

Paul Kamer (1960 – 2020)
Catalysis researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Germany, passed away

Sir John Meurig Thomas (1932 – 2020)
British chemist known for his work on catalysis, solid-state chemistry, materials science, and history of science passed away

Rudolf Zahradník (1928 – 2020)
Czech theoretical chemist and first President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic passed away

Mario Molina (1943 – 2020)
Nobel Laureate known for his work on ozone depletion passed away