ChemPubSoc Europe Advisory Boards 2014/2015

Over 700 chemists from over 40 countries around the globe provide their experience and guidance to the professional staff in the editorial offices. It can be quite a burden and is a time consuming service for the ever growing global chemical community and therefore periods of office have been introduced. With the end of this calendar year we shall see changes in the boards of ChemPhysChem, ChemSusChem and EurJOC. We thank those who will be leaving very much for all their contributions to help establishing the quality of the journals and welcome the next generation of advisors.


Joining in 2015



Barone, Vincenzo (IT)

Colin Bain (UK)


Buma, Wybren Jan (NL)

Huib Bakker (NL)


Canongia Lopes, José (PT)

Vincenzo Balzani (IT)


Cho, Jaephil (KR)

Christoph Bräuchle (DE)


Dupont, Jairton (BR)

Mario Berberan-Santos (PT)


Ewing, Andrew (SE)

Emily Carter (USA)


Frydman, Lucio (IL)

Avelino Corma (ES)


González, Leticia (AUT)

Thomas Ebbesen (FR)


Herrero, Enrique (ES)

Gerhard Ertl (DE)


Kim, Bongsoo (KR)

Richard Friend (UK)


Kuhn, Alexander (FR)

Richard Griffin (USA)


Mavrikakis, Manos (USA)

Pavel Hobza (CZ)


Meijer, Gerard (NL)

Karl Kleinermanns (DE)


Middelberg, Anton (AUS)

Dominique Langevin (FR)


Mukamel, Shaul (USA)

Richard Lavery (FR)


Rubio, Angel (ES)

Yuan-Tseh Lee (TW)


Ryu, Sunmin (KR)

Jürgen Popp (DE)


Seeger, Seeger (CH)

Mark Ratner (USA)


Strano, Michael (USA)

CNR Rao (IN)


Tang, Zhiyong (CN)

Richard Saykally (USA)


Tinnefeld, Philip (DE)

Albert Stolow (CA)


Weckhuysen, Bert (NL)

Bernard Valeur (FR)


Yam, Vivian Wing-Wah (HK)

Itamar Willner (IL)



Claudio Zannoni (IT)



Richard Zare (USA)



Ahmed Zewail (USA)



Hyotcherl Ihee (KR)


Hermans, Ive (USA)



Tomishige, Keiichi (Jp)



Fu, Yao (China)



Sels, Bert (B)



D’Auria, Maria (I)

Appendino, Giovanni (I)


Brouwer, Albert Manfred (NL)

Feiters, Martinus C. (NL)


Maier, Martin E. (GER)

Koert, Ulrich (GER)


Landais, Yannick (F)

Lebreton, Jaques (F)


Maitra, Uday (India)

Mehta, Goverdhan (India)


Stoltz, Brian (USA)

Rebek, Julius (USA)


Breit, Bernhard (GER)

Schreiner, Peter R. (GER)


Moberg, Christina (SWE)

Somfai, Peter (SWE)


Kotora, Martin (CZ)

Starý, Ivo (CZ)


Vassilikogiannakis, Georgios (GR)      

Couladouros, Elias (GR)


Cossio, Fernando (ES)

Najera, Carmen (ES)


Studer, Armido (GER)

Rück-Braun, Karola (GER)

Angewandte Chemie
International Edition      

W. van Gunsteren (CH)

J. Norskov (USA)