Grand Prix 2016 de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie

Grand Prix 2016 de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie

Author: ChemViews

Professor Emeritus Vincenzo Balzani, University of Bologna, Italy, has been awarded the Grand Prix 2016 de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie. The award was presented during a ceremony at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris, France, on February 22, 2017.

The prize honors “original work in chemistry, of benefit to mankind, society, or nature” and comprises 35,000 EUR and a silver medal. Balzani is recognized for his contribution to photochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, nanotechnology, and solar energy.

Vincenzo Balzani studied chemistry at the University of Bologna, Italy. He became Assistant Professor there in 1963 and Assistant Professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy, in 1968. He returned to Bologna as Associate Professor in 1969 and became Full Professor of Chemistry in 1973. From 1977 to 1988, he was the Director of the Photochemistry and Radiation Chemistry Institute of the National Research Council, Washington, D.C., USA. He remained at the University of Bologna until his retirement in 2010.

Balzani is an Honorary Member of the Editorial Board of Chemistry – A European Journal. Among other honors, he has received the Gold Medal “S. Cannizzaro” from the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI, Italian Chemical Society) in 1988, the Prix Franco-Italien from the Société Chimique de France (SCF, French Chemical Society) in 2003, and the Quilico Gold Medal from the Organic Division of the SCI in 2008.

His research interests cover a wide range of topics: photochemistry, photophysics, supramolecular chemistry, electron-transfer reactions, molecular-level devices and machines, nanotechnology, and photochemical solar-energy conversion.

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