The Theoretical Chemistry Genealogy Project (TCGP) offers an online database of extensive information about theoreticians and their scientific ancestors from several centuries.
TCGP started in 2007 with the two most important of the many genealogies of today’s theoretical chemists in German-speaking countries. They go back to Friedrich Stromeyer (1776–1835) and Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855).
Meanwhile, over 3200 entries are searchable. Scientists from 35 countries are represented. Among them are 71 Nobel Prize winners, 41 of them in chemistry and 30 in physics. The most important for theoretical chemistry were Adolf von Baeyer, Richard Willstätter, Adolf Windaus, Peter Debye, Otto Wallach, Wilhelm Ostwald, Walter Nernst, Hermann Staudinger, Leopold Ružička, Emil Fischer, and Richard Kuhn. From physics, it was Werner Heisenberg and Max Born and to a lesser extent Wilhelm Röntgen and Max Planck.
The administration essentially consists of collecting, checking, and entering data into the database. It was initially carried out exclusively by Karl Jug, Professor Emeritus of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, the initiator of the TCGP. Since 2015, Dirk Andrae, Freie Universität Berlin, has supported him as deputy as well as Werner Reckien, University of Bonn.
The administrators are pleased about feedback as well as information on the website
- Wissenschaftliche Stammbäume der theoretischen Chemie,
Karl Jug, Dirk Andrae,
Nachr. Chem. 2017.