Kilian Muñiz (1970–2020)

Kilian Muñiz (1970–2020)

Author: ChemViews Magazine

Kilian Muñiz, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain, passed away on March 16, 2020. Muñiz was widely recognized for his work on the development of new chemical transformations for the selective construction of carbon–nitrogen bonds.

Kilian Muñiz was born in 1970 in Hildesheim, Germany. He studied chemistry at the Universities of Hanover, Germany, and Oviedo, Spain, and at Imperial College London, UK. He received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 1998 under the supervision of Carsten Bolm. He then worked as an Alexander von Humboldt/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)-Postdoctoral Associate with Ryoji Noyori at Nagoya University, Japan. He joined the University of Bonn, Germany, in 2001 and completed his habilitation there in 2005. Then he moved to Strasbourg University, France, as an Assistant Professor. He was promoted to Full Professor there in 2006. In 2009, he joined ICIQ as Group Leader. He was an ICREA Research Professor at the Catalan Institution of Research and Advanced Studies starting in 2010.

Among other honors, Muñiz received the Borchers Medal from RWTH Aachen University in 1999, a German–Israeli Foundation Young Investor Grant in 2002/2003, the ADUC Prize for Habilitands in 2004 from the Association of German University Professors for Chemistry, and a Chaire d’Excellence from the French National Research Agency (ANR) in 2006. He was elected to the Institute Universitaire de France as a Junior Member in 2008.

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