Angewandte Chemie 43/2020: Tuning the Structure

Angewandte Chemie 43/2020: Tuning the Structure

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, R. Sarpong et al. review transition-metal-mediated C–C single bond cleavage. Which ten total syntheses best demonstrate how this method can streamline synthetic efforts? The Minireviews deal with electrode materials in organic electrochemistry (D. M. Heard, A. J. J. Lennox) and Covid-19 (pre)clinical vaccine development (B. G. De Geest et al.). In a Viewpoint, P. M. Pflüger and F. Glorius explore the impact of molecular machine learning on synthetic chemistry, and in an Essay, C. Wentrup looks back on the historic development of batteries, arcs, magnets, and electrolysis by Ørsted and Bunsen.

In the original research section, M. Barboiu et al. present a voltage-responsive synthetic chloride ion channel and its regulation by pH (see picture). W. Du et al. developed a continuous chemoenzymatic process from glucose to polymers. W. H. Ang et al. present PlatinER, a highly potent antitumor platinum(III) complex. C. Löw et al. show how membrane chemistry tunes the structure of a peptide transporter.



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