Angewandte Chemie 20/2015: Stable Bonds

Angewandte Chemie 20/2015: Stable Bonds

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, G. M. Whitesides et al. review the development of point-of-care tests. How does one get from the bench to the field in low-cost diagnostics? The Highlight deals with the targeted delivery of anti-microRNA (E. Wagner). In an Essay, G. Ertl discusses the influence of Walter Nernst on the development of physical chemistry. In an Editorial, C. Ettl and M. Stratmann outline the role of chemistry in the Max Planck Society.

In the Communications section, J. J. McCarthy et al. present non-Brownian particle-based hierarchical materials (see picture). A. A. Gorodetsky et al. succeeded in the synthesis of polybenzoquinolines as precursors for nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons. J. Zhao et al. show how water is activated in TiO2 photocatalysis by surface bonds by means of in situ IR spectroscopy. A. Cotte and D. Jeannerat explain the resolution of 1H multiplets in 1D NMR spectra by 2D nemoZS-DIAG automated analysis.


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