Noyori ACES Award 2019

2019 Ryoji Noyori ACES Award Open for Nominations

The 2019 Ryoji Noyori ACES Award, which recognizes outstanding work in chemistry, is open for nominations until April 30, 2018. The 13 societies of the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES) have established the award to honor Professor Noyori’s instrumental role in nurturing the collaborative ACES spirit and as the founding chairman of the Editorial Board of Chemistry – An Asian Journal.

The award will consist of an invitation to deliver a lecture at the Second ACES & GDCh Symposium at the 18th ACC, Taipei, Taiwan, 8–12 December, 2019, €1000, and a certificate. Travel expenses to the 18th ACC will be covered.

The award will be presented to an individual investigator who has conducted outstanding research demonstrating high levels of excellence and distinction in the field of chemistry. The award winner will be selected on the basis of the outstanding quality, novelty and significance of the candidate’s research.

Nomination process:
Nominations for the “Ryoji Noyori ACES Award” must be submitted directly to [email protected] by 30 April 2018. Individuals may nominate themselves or be nominated by peers or affiliated organizations, subject to nominee consent.
The award winner will be selected by a scientific committee comprising representatives of the ACES journals and societies. The successful nominee will be informed by August 1, 2018, after which a public announcement will be issued. The award will be presented at the 18th ACC, December 2019.

The submitted nomination package must include:
(1) A nomination letter (1 page) and research summary statement highlighting key research discoveries and their impact (1 page)
(2) Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum).
(3) A list of significant publications from within the last five years (2 pages maximum)

The decision of the award committee is final and no further correspondence will be entertained.

1st Ryoji Noyori ACES Award

The first Ryoji Noyori ACES Award was presented to Professor Chi-Ming Che, University of Hong Kong, at the first joint symposium of ACES and the German Chemical Society (GDCh) during the 17th Asian Chemical Congress (ACC) in Melbourne, Australia, on July 27, 2017.

About ACES

ACES connects its 13 partner societies in a modern publishing forum that upholds the highest ethical and quality standards in publishing. Representing 120000 members in 12 countries, it supports local activities through journal royalties while attracting international authors and readers to its journals. The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS), which organizes the ACC and supports publication of the ACES journals, comprises 31 individual society partners from across Asia, the Pacific and the Middle East. It strives to promote the advancement and appreciation of chemistry and the interests of professional chemists in its constituent regions.