A Year in the Lab: The Chemist’s View
- Author: JungChemikerForum (JCF), ChemistryViews, Vereinigung für Chemie und Wirtschaft (VCW)
- Published: 01 May 2013
- Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
- Associated Societies: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), Germany
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Submit your outstanding picture of something from the chemistry lab. The best 12 pictures will receive an award and will have the privilege of appearing in a calendar for 2014.
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The JungChemikerForum (JCF), ChemistryViews.org, and the Vereinigung für Chemie und Wirtschaft (VCW) invite you to submit a picture showing in a creative way the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab. Your picture, for example, might show an experimental setup from an unusual angle, vividly illustrate concepts, like basic chemical principles, or show the beauty of chemistry with outstanding pictures created with imaging technology.
The deadline for entries was Midnight on July 28, 2013. Voting went on till August 28th.
Thank you for submitting pictures and for voting.
The winners have been announced:
The images must be your own work and you must own the rights to each picture. They must be submitted as jpeg files with at least 300 dpi with 3 megapixels or a resolution of 2016 × 1512.
12 winners will be chosen from all the submitted photos by a panel of judges. Winning pictures will be announced on September 1, 2013.
All pictures will be posted on ChemistryViews.org for everyone to admire. The best 12 pictures will receive an award (total prizes worth EUR 3.000) and will have the privilege of appearing in a calendar for 2014.
The calendar will be presented at the Wissenschaftsforum 2013 and will also be offered for sale online.
1. Prize: 125 Euro and books for up to 125 Euro from the blue&white or For Dummies brand
Prizes 2–12: 125 Euro and books for up to 79 Euro from the blue&white or For Dummies brand
Picture receiving most likes: Book prize: Molecules That Changed The World by K. C. Nicolaou and T. Montagnon
JungChemikerForum (JCF)
The JungChemikerForum JCF is the younger member division of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). Over 6000 young scientist under 35 years belong to the JCF, which is, therefore, the largest young chemistry society in Europe.
Vereinigung für Chemie und Wirtschaft (VCW)
The VCW is a section of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), which is at the meeting place of Chemistry and Economy. It is a discussion place for all chemical-economical questions and a vital organization for people working between chemistry and economy.
ChemistryViews.org is a comprehensive free-to-view news and information site with an associated magazine, ChemViews. It is provided by ChemPubSoc Europe, an organization of 16 European chemical societies, among them is the German Chemical Society (GDCh). The site offers news, commentary, opinion, and additional feature material from leading authors to the global chemistry community as well as educational material. It is closely linked to society journals like Angewandte Chemie.
By entering the Competition you are agreeing to abide by the competition rules. Please read these before submitting images.
In particular, the rules relate to key copyright issues and the requirement for all images to be the original work of the person submitting them. Full Rules & Guidelines and Terms of Use.