Metallic particles present in a firework, which are released in its smoke when it explodes, could pose a health risk, particularly to asthmatics
Unexpected Pollutants
Joint Bioprocess Engineering: TU Dresden & Bosch
The TU Dresden, Germany, and Bosch extend their cooperation to bioprocess engineering
B. Z. Shakhashiri Voted ACS President
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, voted 2011 ACS President
Pfizer Launches Academic Network
Network with around eight partners from the US, Europe, Asia/Australia focussing on developing biologics-based drugs planned
Angewandte Chemie 47/2010: Radically New
An overview of the current issue of Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Sleep Disorders, Diabetes & Cancer
Scientists identify new mechanism regulating daily biological rhythms offering novel target for treatment of sleep disorders, diabetes and cancer
Crystalline 2D DNA Origami Arrays
Double-layer DNA-origami tile with two orthogonal domains underwent self-assembly into well-ordered, 2–3 μm 2D DNA arrays
Potential Medicinal Imaging Agents
New Ga complexes eliminate need for linker group and are stable at physiological pH, making them ideal for medical imaging
Weeding Out the Undesirables
Center for Invasive Plant Management (CIPM) explores, if traits of weeds may be the right mix of properties needed in a biofuel feedstock
Job: Assistant Editor Positions
Chemistry – An Asian Journal/Chemistry – A European Journal/ChemCatChem/ChemSusChem offer Assistant Editor positions (f/m)