RISE and Apple are developing a new bio-based packaging material
Pulp-Based Low-Density Material to Replace Polymeric Foams
Merck to Acquire Life Science Company Mirus Bio
USD 600 million acquisition will advance Merck’s integrated offering for viral vector manufacturing
Who Tops the List of Fastest Supercomputers?
The new Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers was released
Largest CO2 Removal Plant
Climeworks-managed direct carbon capture plant "Mammoth" opens in Iceland
Efficient And Robust Mass Production of Nanoparticles
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK and FDX Fluid Dynamix have created FDmiX, a technology platform for producing high-quality, stable nanoparticles
BASF Sells Ammonia, Methanol and Melamine Plants
BASF is selling the plants as part of restructuring to stay competitive in the evolving European market
ChemistryViews Discoveries (05/2024)
Highlights from the chemistry community, with a special focus on Europe
Ilham Kadri Becomes Cefic President
I. Kadri advocates for female leadership in STEM fields, and supports Europe's climate goals and innovation, emphasizing the need for industry competitiveness
Largest Pilot Plant for Bioaerogels Production
The new plant at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, will be used to explore ways to reduce the overall cost of industrial production of aerogels
BASF Launches Battery Recycling Metal Refinery Prototype
Li, Ni, Co, Mn, and Cu extracted from end-of-life lithium-ion batteries and battery production scrap