18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE)

18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE)

Towards a pollution free society

The biennial conference offers a platform for environmental scientists in academia, industry, consultancies, and governmental institutions to exchange information and communicate with collaborators and colleagues


Conference Topics Include

  • analysis and modelling of environmental contaminants,
  • impacts of climate change on local to global circulation of chemicals,
  • nano-size particulate materials and microplastics in the environment,
  • atmospheric pollution,environmental risk and impact assessment,
  • role of chemistry in the circular economy, emerging contaminants,
  • water pollution,
  • innovations in water and wastewater treatment,
  • biotransformation of organic pollutants,
  • green chemistry,
  • ecotoxicology,
  • LCA,
  • environmental sustainability,
  • environmental impacts on cultural heritage,
  • university education in environmental chemistry.


Scientific Committee

  • Antonio Marcomini (Chair)    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy
  • Stephan Hann    University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences    Austria
  • Adrian Covaci    Antwerp University    Belgium
  • Aleksander Sabljić    Institute Ruder Boskovic    Croatia
  • Michael Costas    University of Cyprus    Cyprus
  • Jan Triska    Global Change Research Institute    Czech Republic
  • Jjaana Koistinen    University of Helsinki    Finland
  • Philippe Garrigues    Université de Bordeaux    France
  • Christian Zwiener    University of Tübingen    Germany
  • Gerhard Lammel    Max Planck Institute for Chemistry    Germany
  • Ioannis Katsogiannis    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki    Greece
  • Krisztián Horváth    University of Pannoia    Hungary
  • Uri Zoller    University of Haifa at Oranim    Israel
  • Loris Calgaro    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy
  • Willem T. de Lange    LaMilCo Consultancy    Netherlands
  • Roland Kallenborn    Norwegian University of Life Sciences    Norway
  • Bogusław Buszewski    University of Torun    Poland
  • Annabel Dias Barrocas Fernandes    Universidade da Beira Interior    Portugal
  • Maria Eduarda da Cunha Pereira    University of Aveiro    Portugal
  • Michaela Dina Stanescu    University POLITEHNICA Bucharest    Romania
  • Ivana Ivancev Tumbas    University of Novi Sad    Serbia
  • Ester Heath    Jožef Stefan Institute    Slovenia
  • Silvia Lacorte Bruguera    Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research    Spain
  • Patrik Andersson    Umeå University    Sweden
  • Thomas Bucheli    Agroscope    Switzerland


Local Organising Committee

  • Antonio  Marcomini (Chair)    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy
  • Alessandro Bonetto    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy
  • Andrea Brunelli    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy
  • Elena Badetti    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy
  • Elena Semenzin    Ca’Foscari University of Venice    Italy



Event Details


    1. Vera Koester Post author

      Please register via the conference website. You can find the link in the blue box at the end of the conference announcement/ above the comments section.


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