Porous materials ranging from metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, and zeolites to porous chalcogenides, carbons, polymers, and organic molecules will be the focus of this conference. Scientists of all careers stages are welcome to attend to keep up with cutting-edge research in the field of porous materials and their applications.
Selected Speakers
- Omar M. Yaghi, UC Berkeley, USA
Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Northwestern University, USA
Omar Farha, Northwestern University, USA
Mircea Dincă, MIT, USA
Stefan Kaskel, TU Dresden, Germany
Wendy L. Queen, EPFL Valais Wallis, Switzerland
Mohamed Eddaoudi, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Ali Trabolsi, NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE
Martin Hartmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany
Christian Serre, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut des Matériaux Poreux de Paris, France
New Materials
- Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Covalent Organic Frameworks
- Porous Carbons
- Porous Polymers
- Zeolites
- Porous Chalcogenides
- Non-Covalent Porous Solids
- Porous Molecular Materials/Molecular Cages
- Adsorption
- Separation
- Catalysis
- Energy
- Environmental Applications
- Water treatment
- Air purification
- Life Science
- Electronics
- Optics
- Sensors
- Photovoltaics, Batteries, Supercapacitors
Novel Phenomena, Properties, and Characterization
- Flexibility & Dynamics
- Defects and Disorders
- Topology and nets
- Advanced Characterization Techniques
- Spectroscopy
- Microscopy
- Magnetism
- Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties
- Modelling and Simulation at all Levels
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- High Throughput Screening
- Mechanical properties
- High Pressure Studies
- Advanced Scattering and Diffraction Methods (Electron diffraction, synchrotron methods, etc.)
- Conductivity (electrical, thermal, ionic, proton)