9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC9)

9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC9)

The EuChemS Chemistry Congress is the largest European chemistry congress. It is held every other year in a different European country. Events so far have taken place in Budapest, Torino, Nuremberg, Prague, Istanbul, Seville, Liverpool, Lisbon, and now in Dublin.


Plenary Speakers

  • Professor Dame Clare P. Grey, University of Cambridge, UK
    Energy, Environment and Sustainability
  • Professor Odilie Eisenstein; CNRS – Université Montpellier, France, and University of Oslo, Norway
    Physical, Analytical and Computational Chemistry
  • Professor Véronique Gouverneur, University of Oxford, UK
    Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Professor Frances H. Arnold, California Institute of Technology, USA
    Chemistry Meets Biology for Health
  • Professor Sir David W. C. MacMillan, Princeton University, USA
  • Professor Omar M. Yaghi, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Professor Brigitte Van Tiggelen, Science History Institute, USA
    Education, History, Culture Heritage, and Ethics in Chemistry
  • Professor Amilra De Silva, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
    Supramolecular Chemistry


Selected Events

  • ChemistryEurope Mini-Symposium
    Monday, July 8th, from 13:30 – 15:00 hrs
    Liffey Meeting Room 1
    With talks by
     Luisa De Cola, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale, Italy
     Responsive nanomaterials for biomedical applications
     Lars C. Grabow, University of Houston, USA
     The role of water at metal/titania interfaces for selective oxidation and reduction reactions
  • FAIR Data for Chemistry: National Infrastructures, Standards, Tools and Resources Mini-Symposium
    Organized by NFDI4Chem & Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI)
    Wednesday, July 10th, from 13:30 – 15:00 hrs,
  • The German Chemical Society (GDCh) is awarding Professor Dr. David A. Leigh, University of Manchester, UK, the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Medal for his special services to chemistry
    Closing Ceremony, Thursday, July 11th, from 16:30 hrs



Event Details

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