The event will be focused on the latest results in bottom-up synthetic biology research. It also aims to provide room to discuss future scientific and technological perspectives of research on synthetic cells and organelles, and the philosophical and ethical considerations that come with them.
- Membranes and compartments
- Information processing: DNA and RNA
- Cell fuelling: metabolism and energy
- Force generation: machineries and cytoskeleton
- System design: theoretical and computational models on all levels of complexity
- Synthetic organelles
- Synthetic cells in industry
- Synthetic cells in medicine
- Top-down and evolutionary approaches
- Philosophical, ethical and public debate
Organizing Committee
- Kate Adamala, University of Minnesota
- Jacqueline De Lora, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Stuttgart
- Marileen Dogterom, Delft University of Technology
- Gabriel López, University of New Mexico
- Joachim Spatz, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Stuttgart
Event Details