Very Short Guide To Copyright

Very Short Guide To Copyright

Author: ChemistryViews

When you write a brilliant paper, you want everyone to see it but you also need to publish in top journals to advance your career.

Copyright is also important to understand and think about for open access publishing because it allows you to retain control over how your work is used and shared, ensuring proper attribution and safeguarding against misuse while still making your research widely accessible to the public.

In general, even when using images, it is good to know what kind of rights are involved.


Very Short Guide To Copyright

CC BY (Attribution) allows you to share, remix, and make money when you mention the author.

CC BY SA (Attribution Share Alike) allows you to share, remix, and make money when you mention the author and using the same license.

CC BY ND (Attribution No Derivs) allows you to share and make money when you mention the author. Remixing is not allowed.

CC BY NC (Attribution Non Commercial) allows you to share and remix when you mention the author.

CC BY NC SA (Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike) allows you to share and remix when you mention the author, keep the same license, and don’t make money.

CC BY NC ND (Attribution Non Commercial Non Derivs) allows you to share when you mention the author, keep the same license, make no money, and don’t remix.


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