EFMC-YSN Reviewer Academy

EFMC-YSN Reviewer Academy

The academy aims to teach best practices in peer review, especially for early-career researchers. It is hosted by EFMC’s Young Scientists Network and conducted by professional editors of Chemistry Europe / Wiley-VCH.

The academy is a rolling program throughout the year, which consists of a live one-hour workshop and Q&A session (4 times a year); an online workshop (c/o Wiley Research/Reviewer Academy); actual peer review assignment and evaluation. The workshops and meetings are fully virtual/online events.




These two items can be completed separately.



The participants need to do at least one reviewing assignment for which they will receive feedback.

As soon as a participant completes the Wiley Reviewer Academy Course, assignments of manuscripts can start. Participants need to complete at least one report for an actual peer review assignment. Participating journals are ChemBioChem, ChemMedChem, Chemistry Select, Chemistry and Biodiversity.

Referees will get feedback from the handling editor who invites them. The handling editor can decide to send an additional manuscript to evaluate and inform.

More information and questions:  [email protected]


Application Process

Event Details

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