Gel Symposium 2024

The symposium will focus on current issues in research and practical applications of polymer gels, materials science, engineering, solvent-free elastomers, active soft matter, rubbers, and other polymer networks. 

Plenary Lectures

  • Prof. Chaté, Hugues – CEA-Saclay, France
  • Prof. Sano, Masaki – Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Prof. Sheiko, Sergei S. – University of North Carolina, USA
  • Prof. Urayama, Kenji – Kyoto University, Japan
  • Prof. Zhao, Xuanhe – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Keynote Lectures

  • Prof. Beta, Carsten – University of Potsdam, Germany
  • Prof. Gong, Jian Ping – Hokkaido University (ICReDD), Japan
  • Prof. Hong, Wei – Southern University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. Kakugo, Akira – Kyoto University, Japan
  • Dr. Kim, Junsoo – Northwestern University, USA
  • Prof. Lodge, Timothy P. – University of Minnesota, USA
  • Prof. Macfarlane, Robert J. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Prof. MacLachlan, Mark – The University of British Columbia, USA
  • Prof. Mizuno, Daisuke – Kyushu University
  • Dr. Narita, Tetsuharu – CNRS – ESPCI Paris, France
  • Prof. Olsen, Bradley D. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Prof. Park, Moon Jeong – POSTECH
  • Prof. Patrickios, Costas – University of Cyprus, Greece
  • Prof. Sakai, Takamasa – The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Prof. Sun, Jeong-Yun – Seoul National University, South Korea
  • Prof. Tanaka, Masaru – Kyushu University
  • Prof. Yamamoto, Ryoichi – Kyoto University Japan
  • Prof. Yin, Yadong – University of California, Riverside, USA
Event Details

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