PhysChem24 & Hush Symposium (PYD1596)

The event will present the latest research in physical and theoretical chemistry from national / international researchers and industry. The conference will include meetings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) physical chemistry and chemical education divisions.

The conference will be held in conjunction with a symposium in honour of Noel Hush, Foundation Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Sydney. Noel Hush was one of the most eminent chemists Australia has ever produced and influenced generations of Australian researchers over a career spanning 8 decades.


  • 1 July – Phys Chem all day
  • 2 July – Phys Chem all day + Poster Session
  • 3 July – Phys Chem to lunch + free afternoon + conference dinner
  • 4 July – Hush Symposium + public lecture (+ separately organized dinner)



Event Details

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