Combination of UV spectroscopy with regression analysis can determine the progress of plant disinfection

Regulating Plant Disinfection in Seawater Desalination

Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Hinders Crystallization in Microreactors
Higher surface area cannot make up for decreased nucleation

Turning Seashells into Bone-Growing Templates
Seashell powder increases the mechanical strength and bioactivity of alginate bone scaffolds

Alwin Mittasch Prize 2019
Catalysis award for Piet van Leeuwen, INSA Toulouse, France

60th Birthday: Kurt Wagemann
Executive Director of DECHEMA, the network for chemical engineering and biotechnology in Germany

Behind the Science: How to Store Hydrogen
Cordula Buse talked to Karsten Müller, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, about the state of hydrogen storage technologies

Improved Juice Concentration
Ice waste from cryoconcentration processes can still be useful

Fast and Cheap Production of Microreactors
Ultrasonic processing of plate-type polymer reactors

Simultaneous Nitrate and Hardness Removal from WasteWater
Effective treatment with microorganisms

Jochen Block Prize for Sandra Luber
University of Zurich researcher recognized for outstanding contributions to the theoretical treatment of catalysts