Online particle size measurement in microgel particle suspensions from reflected laser light
Microgel Particulates
Awards Accepting Nominations
Find links to awards accepting nominations listed here – last update September 6, 2024
Cavitation Phenomena in Reciprocating Pumps
Experiments show that prevention of cavitation conditions for reciprocating pumps (due to API 674) might be unnecessary
ProcessNet Snapshots
Snapshots of the ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010 and the 28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen in Aachen
Awarded: R. Schlögl and J. Lehmann
DECHEMA Plaque awarded to Robert Schlögl, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, and Jürgen Lehmann, University of Bielefeld
Greatest Challenge of Process Engineering
The greatest challenge of chemical engineering is to combine chemical and biological processes to efficiently use renewable raw materials
Cooling System for Microreactors
Continuous-flow conditions in the microscale and cooling with heat pipes can avoid out-of-control processing
Classification of Suspensions
A new method for the classification of suspensions by means of rotating filter discs demonstrates the separation of coarse particles entirely possible