Dow implements cost-reduction plans anticipates annual savings of approximately $250 million

Dow to Close Insulation Plants

Third Quarter Results 2011
Summary of the third quarter results from the chemical industry which saw solid revenue growth in a difficult environment

Largest H2O2 Plant in the World
Solvay and Dow joint venture MTP HPJV Ltd. commissions the largest hydrogen peroxide plant in the world in Thailand

Second Quarter Results 2011
Q2/2011 was mixed for the chemical industry with political unrest and appreciation of the Swiss franc affecting results

Sadara Chemical Company
Dow and Saudi Aramco to jointly build world-scale, fully integrated chemicals complex in Saudi Arabia

Energy from Recycled Plastic
Dow has successfully demonstrated the use of recycled plastic to generate energy

First Quarter Results 2011
The first quarter results show a promising start to 2011 for the chemical industry