The Virtual Conference on Chemistry and its Applications (VCCA-2024)

The event will offer a platform for scientific interaction between academics and researchers, leading to potential collaboration. This online conference will cover a wide range of chemistry topics (see below) and offer participants the opportunity to present their research findings to peers from around the globe. 


Selected Speakers

  • Jane Murray, University of New Orleans, USA
    The Average Local Ionization Energy Revisited After More Than Thirty Years
  • Gernot Frenking, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
    The Unusual Bonding Features of the F- anion and the Search for the Strongest Dative Bond between Main-Group Atoms
  • Urland Werner, Life and Science Institute, Germany 
    Ligand Field Theory, Angular Overlap Model, Ab Initio Methods – Test of Application
  • Lili Zhao, University of Michigan, USA
    Chemical Bonding Nature and Reactivity of Carbodicarbenes and their Heavier Analogues
  • Hira Khalid, Forman Christian College, Pakistan
    Design and Synthesis of Triazole Derivatives as Potential Anticancer Agents
  • Tiow-Gan Ong, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
    The Chemistry of Carbone
  • Qingyong Meng, China Agricultural University, China
    Chemistry-Informed Generative AI Model for Molecular Dynamics
  • Guixiang Zeng, Nanjing University, China
    Theoretical Insight into the Catalysis of Structural Constraint Phosphorus Compounds
  • Isel Pascual Alonso, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
    Evaluation of bufadienolides as new natural inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum neutral aminopeptidases with potential applications in malaria
  • Syeda Sultana Razia, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
    Developing Chemical Safety and Security Course for Post-secondary Curriculum
  • Neil Coville, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
    How Commonwealth Chemistry can play a role in creating a new world in the Chemical Sciences
  • Jamal Hassan, Pan Africa Chemistry Network, Somalia
    The Pan Africa Chemistry Network: Working to Create a Self-Sustaining Science Base in Africa



  • Agricultural Chemistry
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biophysical Chemistry
  • Chemical Biology
  • Chemical Education
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemical Physics
  • Chemical Safety
  • Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics
  • Chemistry of Natural Products
  • Computational/Theoretical Chemistry
  • Cosmetics Chemistry
  • Digital Chemistry
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Food Chemistry
  • Forensic Science
  • Green Chemistry
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Material Science and Nanotechnology
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Petroleum Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Interdisciplinary Chemistry


Event Details

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