The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched the SCIP database. Companies can now start to submit data on substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in their products to SCIP. The Waste Framework Directive requires companies to submit their data from January 5, 2021. Consumers and waste operators can access and use the data from February 2021.
The SCIP database ensures that the information is available throughout the whole lifecycle of products and materials, including at the waste stage. The goal is to know more about the hazardous chemicals in products so that they can be recycled safely. This is a prerequisite for better recycling management and essential for the EU Green Deal to work. Of course, it also helps to protect workers, citizens, and the environment. It helps comsumers to make safer choices when buying products and encourages, so ECHA hopes, industry to replace hazardous chemicals with safer ones.
From January 5, 2021, companies supplying articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w) on the EU market have to submit information on these articles to ECHA.
The Candidate List of the EU is a list of substances that may have serious effects on human health or the environment and that have been identified as a substance of very high concern (SVHC). The list aims to inform the general public and industry that these substances are candidates for possible inclusion in the Authorisation List. Substances on this list cannot be placed on the market or used after a given date unless an authorization is granted for their specific use, or the use is excluded from authorization. Any supplier of articles containing a Candidate List substance above a concentration of 0.1 % (weight by weight) had to communicate this to customers down the supply chain and to consumers.
- European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Helsinki, Finland
- SCIP database
- Webinar: Get ready to submit your SCIP notification
19 November 2020 11:00 – 15:00 EET, GMT +2
This webinar helps you to get ready for preparing and submitting a SCIP notification.
You will get a demo of how to create and submit a notification and learn the tools that can be used to refer to information already successfully submitted to the SCIP database.
The webinar will be published on ECHA’s home page on 19 November at 11:00 Helsinki Time (EET, GMT +2) together with instructions for joining a live Q&A session where they will be answering questions until 15:00 Helsinki Time.