Anti-malarial agents, artemisinins, undergo both one-electron transfer and two-electron reduction, with biological consequences

Activation Against Malaria

Most Accessed Articles: July 2010
Read the most-accessed ChemPubSoc Europe and GDCh journal articles for July 2010

Shining a Light on Diabetes
Noninvasive, optical blood glucose measurements have been in development since the 1980s, now they’re one step closer

My Little Green Cactus
Plants that are better chemists than chemists, nanodiamonds and more in this months Chemie in unserer Zeit

Programmed Destruction
How redox chemistry and selenium- and tellurium-based agents can help combat cancer

To (Neuro)Protect And Serve
New antagonists that target NMDA receptor at the glutamate binding site could guard against neurological disorders

Highlights in Biocatalysis
Biocatalysis – special issue of ChemCatChem edited by Prof. Uwe Bornscheuer, Prof. Andreas Liese, and Prof. Garabed Antranikian

José Barluenga – Author Profile
Angewandte Chemie author profile and interview of José Barluenga: The only limit is our imagination

MS Collaboration
New biomarker research center in Japan to utilize experience of Thermo Fisher, Tokyo Medical University Hospital and Lund University

Detailed Crystal Structure Corralled!
RNA isn't the only biomolecule that can adopt lariat structures: lasso peptide BI-32169's structure has now been resolved in detail