The essay that won 2nd place in the SCI's 1000xChemistry essay competition, tells the story of a mysterious button that triggers chaos, causing the protagonist to reflect on his academic and life choices


1000xChemistry – Creative Storytelling in 1000 Words
The winning stories from the 2nd Chemistry Culture Dissemination Essay Contest of the Italian Chemical Society

An Electron in the Mirror
It was a morning in the microcosm of subatomic particles ... The essay that won 1st place in the SCI's 1000xChemistry essay competition

Absinthe: The Magic of the Green Fairy – Part 1
When drinking modern absinthe, is there still a chance of getting a kiss from the Green Fairy like the Bohemian Parisians at the end of the 19th century?

Make Chemistry Exciting (Video in German)
Alfred Flint on how he develops his experiments, what it takes to get students excited and curiuos about chemistry, and what fascinates him about chemistry

Molecules of Love
Molecules such as adrenaline, dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are involved in romantic feelings

What Are Our Teeth Made Of?
In a healthy tooth, enamel, like a glaze, covers the visible part, while dentin surrounds the pulp—What is the main component of our teeth?

What Is Honey? Why Does It Solidify?
The short video explains chemistry's role in honey formation and crystallization

Call for Nominations: Prize for Ludic Sciences 2024
Recognition of a scientific work resulting from research carried out not with a view to a specific application, but out of sheer curiosity

Chemistry & Teeth
The way our teeth are made, dental care, cavities, fillings and dentures all have something to do with chemistry—a compilation of articles and quizzes on chemistry related to teeth