Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, think tank will strategize on environmentally sound policies on oil, gas, coal

Green Carbon Center

Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Glucose
Ru/CMK-3 is found to be a water-tolerant and reusable catalyst for hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose with high yield

Toxic Color Test
A new lab-on-a-chip sensor array – little bigger than a business card can – detect toxic industrial chemicals at low cost and low concentrations

A Spoonful of Salt Helps the Medicine Go Down
Crystal engineers have found a way to change the solvated form of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib to improve oral availability

Breakthrough for Creating Biorenewable Chemicals
Key features uncovered that control the high reactivity of gold nanoparticles in a process that oxidizes alcohols in water

See Hidden Fingerprints
Fingerprints that have been washed off metal surfaces can now be retrieved

New EuCheMS President
The EuCheMS elected Ulrich Schubert, Vienna University of Technology, member of the Austrian chemical society, as their new president

Wacker Expands Silicon-Production
Wacker buys silicone-production plant from Henkel Technologies in South Korea

C=O Activation in CO2
First step to using CO2 as a chemical feedstock – theoretical studies reveal mechanism of CO2 activation by uranium complex

Silver-Free Protocol
New route to gold-based catalyst removes need for moisture and light sensitive silver salts