Over the past decade, ChemElectroChem has undergone remarkable growth and transformation

ChemElectroChem – Happy 10th Birthday!

New Editor of ChemistryEurope
Lars C. Grabow, University of Houston, TX, USA, joins the editorial team of the flagship journal of Chemistry Europe

Detector for AI-Generated Text in Chemistry Papers
ChatGPT-generated and human text told apart with high accuracy, even with prompts designed to hide the use of AI

AI Might Be a Second Brain, Not a Replacement Brain
David Flanagan, Senior Director, Generative AI Product Strategy, Wiley, about the potential and concerns of AI in chemistry and ideas to try or experiment with

New Editor-in-Chief for ChemCatChem
Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Sandra González Gallardo as Editor-in-Chief of ChemCatChem

New Editor-in-Chief for ChemPlusChem
Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Axel Straube as Editor-in-Chief of ChemPlusChem

One Submission = One Tree: Angewandte Chemie Plants 5000th Tree
Under the slogan “Make your ideas grow”, the journal Angewandte Chemie has launched an initiative to support reforestation

cOAlition S Seeks Research Community Feedback on New Proposal
cOAlition S advocates for open publication of articles and peer-review reports without author fees, allowing authors to choose initial publication venues

New Editor-in-Chief for ChemElectroChem and Batteries & Supercaps
Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH have named Dr. Rosalba A. Rincón as Editor-in-Chief of ChemElectroChem and Batteries & Supercaps

Wiley and German DEAL Consortium Agree on New 5-Year Agreement
The new agreement will bring additional benefits to the German research system