EuCheMS invites candidates for the position of General Secretary in its Brussels office. Closing date 6 February

Job: EuCheMS General Secretary

Wiley-CST Outstanding Publication Award
The Wiley-CST Award for Outstanding Publication was awarded to P. Rashatasakhon and T. Buajarern at PACCON 2011

Targeted Delivery with Self-Adjusting Magnet
Method to immobilize drug capsules without damaging surrounding tissue could lead to localized or increased drug absorption

Hydrogenase Cofactor Simply Synthesized
New route to hydrogenase cofactor azadithiolate provides a simple way to make model enzymes for H2 fuel production

U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center
U.S. and Chinese partners will work in the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center to develop and test clean coal technologies

Making Fuel Cells Durable with Pt Nanostars
Starlike, platinum-based nanowire crystals could provide more stable cathodes for fuel cell applications

In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging with Azobenzene Switch
Azobenzene-based photochemical switches show promise as agents for the remote control of biomolecular function using light

3D Scaffold for Cell Cultures
Control over formation of cell adhesion sites and, consequently, cell shape in three dimensions can be achieved

Aerosol Transmission of Prions
Diseases caused by misfolded proteins such as mad cow disease could have an airborne route to infection

Anion Binding Indicates Catalyst Activity
Anion binding constants of a series of diamine-functionalized organocatalysts provides useful tool to probe catalytic activity