How Karaoke Nights Serve Chemists’ Careers
Interview with Christoforos Kokotos, University of Athens, a new Chemistry Europe Fellow

Nikos Katsaros (1938 – 2022)
Former President of the Association of Greek Chemists (Ένωση Ελλήνων Χημικών) passed away

The Contribution of Chemica Chronica in the Time of the Pandemic
The membership magazine of the Association of Greek Chemists (EEX) published many articles on COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2

Colors in the Prehistoric and Archaic Era
Chemistry of the intense colors many ancient works of art like ceramic figurines, statues, and temples were decorated with

The Chemistry of Christmas
Our ChemPubSoc Europe Advent Calendar highlights articles from magazines of the ChemPubSoc Europe societies

Synthetic Polymers in the Conservation of Historic Textiles
Over the last 50 years, a large number of synthetic polymers has been used in the conservation of historical textiles

European Society Magazines
Meeting under the motto "ChemPubSoc Europe: working together, experimenting together, sharing success"

Clusters' Last Stand
f-Element Chemistry is the topic of the June EurJIC Cluster Issue edited by Gerd Meyer, University of Colone.

Changing the Channel in Nanoelectronics
New computer simulations may help in the design of efficient molecular wires.

In a Bit of a Bind
X. Zhang and H. Schwarz shed light on the mechanistic aspects of catalytic processes and make a systematic and comprehensive overview possible.

Looking for Something Explosive?
How to find TNT! A new chemosensor-based approach for the detection of nitrated aromatics gives hope to guide future developments.

Controllable H2 from H2O
Chemical energy generates hydrogen and electricity: a new process to be used in fuel cells for mobile applications.

Molecular Editing of Kinase-Targeting Resorcylic Acid Lactones
Read the latest ChemMedChem article of Nicolas Winssinger, speaker at the Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium.