Novel Hybrid Fuel Cell Design

Novel Hybrid Fuel Cell Design

Synthesized anion-conducting polymers characterized on hybrid polymer electrolyte fuel cell with acidic anode/membrane & alkaline cathode

Blog: Post-doc in Paris 3

Blog: Post-doc in Paris 3

What is a Post-Doc in Paris like? Tibiriçá Gonçalves Vasconcelos takes a look at funding opportunities in his Blog. Part 3

Weeding Out the Undesirables

Weeding Out the Undesirables

Center for Invasive Plant Management (CIPM) explores, if traits of weeds may be the right mix of properties needed in a biofuel feedstock

Job: Assistant Editor Positions

Job: Assistant Editor Positions

Chemistry – An Asian Journal/Chemistry – A European Journal/ChemCatChem/ChemSusChem offer Assistant Editor positions (f/m)

Direct Amide Hydrogenation

Direct Amide Hydrogenation

Amides selectively and directly hydrogenated to alcohols and amines under mild, anhydrous conditions for the first time