The isolation and analysis of your air-sensitive product requires careful manipulation of your compound
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (4)
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (3)
Some basic experimental set ups for performing reactions with air-sensitive compounds and how to add solids and liquids
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (2)
The basis of all Schlenk line work, the evacuate-refill cycle, and how to dry and/or degas solvents for air-sensitive reactions
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Air-Sensitive Techniques (1)
Schlenk lines can be daunting for the first-time user. We looked at basic Schlenk line design and how to start and stop a Schlenk line
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 3
How do you grow a crystal if your compound decomposes in air? We look at techniques that work for both air-sensitive and air-stable compounds
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 2
Patience, luck, and no small amount of skill are required to grow the perfect crystal for X-ray diffraction. Maximize your chances of getting that elusive crystal
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Growing Crystals Part 1
Patience, luck, and no small amount of skill are required to grow the perfect crystal for X-ray diffraction. Maximize your chances of getting that elusive crystal
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Troubleshooting and Alternatives
No matter how carefully you prepare and run your column, things can still go wrong. We look at some common problems and possible alternatives
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: How to Make a Capillary TLC Spotter
How to make a capillary spotter for use in thin layer chromatography (TLC)
Tips and Tricks for the Lab: Column Choices
We look at some of the factors that affect separation in a chromatography column to help you make the right choices when setting up a column