A biochemist who overcame religious and sexual discrimination

100th Birthday: Mildred Cohn

100th Anniversary: Clemmensen Reduction
The Clemmensen reduction of ketones and aldehydes is the simplest direct method for converting the carbonyl group into a methylene group

25th Anniversary: Louis de Broglie's Death
Louis de Broglie is best known for his theory of the wave-particle duality of matter

150th Birthday of Agnes Pockels
Agnes Pockels was a pioneer in the field of surface tension and the measurement of surface films

Boyle’s Law: 350th Anniversary
This year marks the 350th anniversary of the publication of Boyle’s law which describes how the pressure and volume of a gas are related

The Periodic Table
A growing collection of articles on the Periodic Table

What Will Happen with the Marie Curie Pavillon des Sources in Paris?
The Marie Curie pavillon has been saved from demolition, but are the new plans a final decision? Many hope not

How Ozempic Works: (Bio)Chemical Perspectives on Weight Loss Drugs
The science behind the hype: How do they work?, How are they made?, How safe are they?, and could they really be a panacea for the “obesity epidemic”?

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1️⃣2️⃣Who Was the First to Synthesize Insulin?
Check out the answer to today's entry in the Chemistry Advent Calendar: Guess the Houses and Molecules—discover who synthesized iconic molecules 🧪