Dr. Amitabh Banerji develops experiments with photoactive materials for school students and teaching aids for teachers
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Experiments with Photoactive Materials

Why Do the Well-fed Die Young?
A new evolutionary hypothesis for the effect of dietary restriction on lifespan

Diet Coke and Mentos Fountain
The startling reaction of Diet Coke and Mentos sweets was a mystery for many years

Beer and Baby Oil: The Chemistry of Everyday Objects
Professor A. Flint and K. Anscheit developed chemistry experiments for secondary school students using everyday objects

Burning Glühwein
Glühwein is enjoyed by many people at the traditional Christmas markets in Europe; the video shows how it can be set alight

2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Announcements
Live announcement of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry from Wednesday 9 October

Linda Nazar: Developing Materials for Energy Storage And Conversion
Professor Linda Nazar summarizes her research that focuses on developing new materials for energy storage and conversion

Michael Braungart: Seeking a Sustainable Future
M. Braungart, Germany, explains his Cradle-to-Cradle strategy of how products and production processes can be completely safe

Picture Competition 2013 & Calendar 2014
The best pictures showing the beautiful and fascinating things you find in a chemistry lab are combined in a calendar for 2014

Short overview on ChemistryViews.org