Rethinking Chemistry – Talking with Presidents of Chemical Societies
Compilation of statements by Presidents of chemical societies (ACS, GÖCH, RACI, RSC, SCI) on the GDCh's motto "Rethinking Chemistry"

125 Years of GÖCH and Green Chemistry
The Austrian Chemistry Days discussed current topics such as sustainable battery research

Bringing Other Voices into the Discussion
Peter Gärtner, President of the Austrian Chemical Society, on generally understandable explanations in chemistry and research in the field of doping

New GÖCH President
The Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH) elected Peter Gärtner, TU Wien, as their new president

What Can Chemical Societies Do For You?
Miranda Dalagianis, General Manager of the Austrian Chemical Society, explains why you should join a professional society

Presenting Your Research Concisely to a Broad Audience
Mastering the challenge of presenting research and engaging a broader audience through videos

Progress in the Austrian Young Chemists Network
Organization has expanded from seven founding members to a nationwide network

70th Birthday: Herbert Ipser
Austrian chemist celebrates 70th birthday

Fresh Wind in the Austrian Young Chemists Section
Strong team represents young chemists towards the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH), the chemical industry, and the public

Chemistry in Austria
Largest bi-annual conference of the GÖCH (Austrian Chemical Society) took place in Innsbruck

Our Standard Of Living Is Due To The Achievements of Chemistry
Herbert Ipser, President of the Austrian Chemical Society, on the importance of chemical societies and the situation in Austria

Austrian Chemistry Days
Internationally renowned speakers, outstanding young Austrian award winner, society cooperations in Linz, Austria

Clusters' Last Stand
f-Element Chemistry is the topic of the June EurJIC Cluster Issue edited by Gerd Meyer, University of Colone.

Changing the Channel in Nanoelectronics
New computer simulations may help in the design of efficient molecular wires.

In a Bit of a Bind
X. Zhang and H. Schwarz shed light on the mechanistic aspects of catalytic processes and make a systematic and comprehensive overview possible.

Looking for Something Explosive?
How to find TNT! A new chemosensor-based approach for the detection of nitrated aromatics gives hope to guide future developments.

Controllable H2 from H2O
Chemical energy generates hydrogen and electricity: a new process to be used in fuel cells for mobile applications.

Molecular Editing of Kinase-Targeting Resorcylic Acid Lactones
Read the latest ChemMedChem article of Nicolas Winssinger, speaker at the Frontiers of Chemistry Symposium.